Fortgeschrittene Prozessregelung (DMPC)

Data Mining and Process Control

Increases in fuel costs, power demands and emissions regulations, as well as the need to reduce operating costs, have forced different industry segments to improve plant efficiency.

The Data Mining and Process Control (DMPC) package developed by CCS offers you a PC-based software solution to improve operational efficiency and regulatory compliance challenges throughout the full plant operating range.
Its modular structure allows implementation at different stages; starting from your turbo machinery control panels to plant level control.

The initial scope of the system focuses on the optimization of operation and its diagnostics. Therefore our DMPC optimization package has a modular arrangement and may involve the following components:
• DMPC Regulatory Control module: Is also called a multivariable model-predictive controller. It uses the dynamic and static models to calculate the best process adjustment to bring the controlled variables to the desired setpoints.
• DMPC Optimization module: Interfaces to process directly with the DCS or indirectly through process information management systems and is capable of safely pushing processes to multiple constraints simultaneously. It constructs process models and generates real time setpoints.
• DMPC Diagnostics module: Model uncertainty and crosscorrelation analysis tool. Assesses model accuracy, determines when adequate testing has been achieved and selects the most excellent model curves. It also provides a window for online research.
• DMPC Efficiency Comparator: Is a patented tool to identify and quantify efficiency improvements after implementation of a new project. It accurately compares changes of efficiencies in your plant between different periods of time (before and after project implementation) with continuous conditions and source materials variations.
• DMPC Monitoring module: A monitoring package offering the interface between the engineering personnel and the system. The monitoring package displays the data obtained from the constructed process model in real-time. It is used to monitor the operating point relative to the operating envelope as well as the operational boundaries. The monitoring package displays historical data as well as predicted scenarios for future operation.
The Advanced Regulatory Control technique improves process stability hence allowing the process operation to operate closer to the set target or constraints or optimum values, found by the DMPC Optimization module. The technique consists of model-based predictive control and adaptive control. Its main advantage is that it finds the optimal response to changing requirements.
Its modular structure allows implementation at different stages; starting from your turbo machinery control panels to plant level control.
This approach helps you with:
Tight process control and reduced process variance across the entire operating range.
Maximization of throughput by operating closer to constraints enabling greater volume from your assets.
Improved operating stability and constraint handling that reduces unscheduled plant downtime.
Improved plant safety through compensation for process instabilities before they drive your process to unsteady regions.
Exceptional disturbance elimination ensuing in lower process inconsistency and a reduction in off-spec material.
Lower cost of asset ownership via reduced maintenance requirements and simplified workflows for execution and management.
Easy to implement; your daily operations are not affected during project implementation.
“No-Cure-No-Pay” approach to solving problems.

Our DMPC solution employs data mining algorithms to diagnose and perform optimization of continuous processes. We utilize computation capabilities of modern microprocessor equipment and sophisticated data mining algorithms in real-time control systems. The algorithms are a set of mathematical modeling techniques that enable the control system to turn your raw data into a dynamic (as well as static) model of the continuous process. The optimization technique provides real-time setpoints to your existing control system to optimize the distribution of load demands across multiple units and determines the optimum amount of operating units.

Professional Research

The CCS DMPC optimization package reduces energy costs and increases production significantly. Most oil and gas transportation, chemical, refining and power industries' customers achieve at least 4-8% reduction in cost and/or increase in volume.
The accuracy of the model (the accuracy of process identification) becomes the most critical factor for meeting systems objectives. The accuracy is predetermined by optimization and diagnostic applications. For example, the optimized load balancing for turbo machinery provides 4-8% reduction in fuel consumption or 3-6% increase in efficiency.
CCS’ method of accurately defining the surge line allows you to set the control safety line for optimum surge protection without unnecessary recycling or blow-off; it minimizes compressor recycle and increases the efficiency of the compressor by 4-6%.

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